WOMAN'S ROYAL VOLUNTARY SERVICE Men and Woman If anyone is able to help, whether or not you drive, or needs any of these facilities:
Please contact WRVS Office, Harlington Way, Fleet. Telephone 01252 628634
The Women's Royal Voluntary Service is a caring voluntary organisation delivering Meals on Wheels to the elderly and housebound residents throughout the district.
Although still called the Women's Royal Voluntary Service, many men are members and feel that what they are doing is worthwhile and very rewarding.
For some of our residents who receive their meals this way, it can be their only contact with another person that day. It is also an opportunity for the volunteer to note if there are any problems in the home or with the recipient.
The WRVS are always looking for new recruits. Do you have a few hours to spare each month? Do you want to join a friendly group? Do you have the use of a car? (petrol money is provided) Do you want job satisfaction?
If the answer is "yes" to these questions and would like to know more about becoming a volunteer with the WRVS. Please contact us by calling Wendy Brown 01252 628634.