Fleet Motor Club was created in April 2000, an idea and lifelong dream of Colin Roberts "Head of the Roberts family". The children (seven of them) have all been raised with "Motor Racing" in their blood, which has proved to be an added inspiration in the creation of what we have all (family & friends) worked so hard for. "Fleet Motor Club"

Colin started racing in the mid 70's, racing three or four times every week. Wherever there was a race meeting, we travelled to it. "Yarmouth, Ipswich, Arlington, Wimbledon, and of course Aldershot" In fact he had an accident whilst "Banger" racing at Wimbledon in the early 80's which resulted in a bone in his wrist being replaced with "plastic" This didn't stop his desire to be on the track. Even with his arm in plaster, we made the journey to the race meetings. He would drive and I would change the gears, it was fun at the time, but I would have to reconsider ever doing that now! Our lives in those days, were mostly spent at the edge of a race track "somewhere". In 1986 we made a family decision to "Cool it" we had 4 children at the time and things were becoming more expensive. Car's were costing a lot more and our time was wearing thin with the children and general "Family Stuff" So we decided to call it a day, but always knowing that if we went back to "Racing" we'd be "Hooked" again.
So that was it until 1994, when our eldest son then 17yrs got involved with "Autograss Racing" and was building" Mini's" in our garage. We kept our distance from it, because we knew that if we ventured to a circuit "We'd be hooked"
We lost our son in July
aged 19yrs 3 months and 5 days, it was unexpected and devastating to our entire-family. The situation was intense and emotionally crushing for us all. Still beside ourselves with grief, our eldest daughter (Kerry) had a desire to visit the place that her brother had spent so much of his time. Once we made the visit she announced that she felt the need to "carry on where her brother had left off" She started in Production B's with a Fiat 127, complete with a photo of her brother on her dashboard "for inspiration" she proceeded to have a great time. Hence our family's return to "Motor Racing" It's taken a lot of hard work, determination and enthusiasm for the sport, to get us this far. Our kids (and us of course) ate "beans on toast" for weeks, so as to preserve cash flow for the track! We have been blessed with a great crowd of "Family and Friends" that have donated both their time and moral support to see this venture materialize. Coupled with the love of the sport, and here we are!  The whole of F.M.C is owned and as you see on a race day, run by our family and friends. Since it's opening in Aug 2001, we have grown to a regular 200 drivers per event with numbers still rising.

Fleet Motor Club

Aldershot Stock Car Racing

Some Stock Car Shots From 2005

Previous Years

Photoes courtesy of photographer Ian Pegram of Autograph Racing