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The Latest News on the Pyestock Horror: 26/03/07:
New Planning Application arrives in time for the Easter Holidays! We
have been informed that the new application for a 1.3m sq ft mega
depot has just arrived at Hart Planning. We will shortly get access to
the detailed information and will advise you accordingly. Please
check this website regularly for further updates and the new planning
application case number. We will also be revealing additional new
significant information. Our main concern is the irreversible impact of a massive 24 x 7 mega depot development too close to residential areas with an already over stressed local infrastructure. Our area is already suffering and there are other major developments in the pipeline. 26/03/07:
One year old and several thousand times stronger! We
are celebrating our first year with the fact that People Power does
work. SPLAT’s achievements include:
group continues to expand and additional support is always welcome,
contact us via email by clicking our (anti-spam) icon:
Recent planning amendments rejected! Hart
Planning has rejected the Pru’s recent amendments! Instead, they
have requested the Pru to submit a new planning application. This is
great news as the information we have discovered will be considered as
part of the new plan! Here is a
24 x 7 mega depot of a similar size to the Pru’s recent amendments: Think of
the impact a development of this size would cause if inappropriately
located at Pyestock! Is this the
type of 24 x 7 development that should be located close to residential
areas, single carriageway roads, existing traffic congestion, etc? The answer
is NO according to over 2,500 local residents and workers! Also, the
location would be in direct conflict with Industry Experts
recommendations (we have the report to prove it) as well as National,
Regional and Local policies! 25/11/06:
An unprecedented 2,500 objections, MISTRUST and the revised plan is
due soon Pyestock is well screened by mature woodland, a view from Ively Road We
expect the ‘straight talking’ Pru will shortly submit a new plan.
Once the new plan arrives, we will advise you of what to do. However,
in the meantime it is worth summarising a few points: •
Massive over
development •
Impact on
local highway beneficial – we don’t think so •
gap will be maintained – we don’t think so •
Twenty four
hrs/day x 7 days/week operation •
areas are too close •
Understated Environmental Statement •
Sunday Times
announces Britain’s Biggest Building •
reported to blight our lives To
read the full article click
here Developer in a pickle over Hart’s Quality of Life No.2 position Read how Hart is number 2 in a national Quality of Life survey, House price and the hazards of mega sheds click here Current
air pollution may lead to 50mph speed limit at M3 Motorway between
junction 4 and 4A What will be the impact of a 24 x 7 HGV generating Mega Depot? click here The ugly duckling continues as Astral’s Chairman ‘Cutts’ out the key issues
ugly duckling?
study issued in May 2006 shows that over half of South East England
Councils are restricting logistics developments, mainly because of
24 hour operations and traffic generation concerns!
ordered into impact of giant warehouse planningportal.gov.uk
recently reported: “Hart
District Council has postponed a decision on a plan for a 1.6m square
foot warehouse complex at Farnborough following widespread local
opposition to the joint-venture by Prudential and Astral Developments. The
council is commissioning an independent report into the impact of the
planned warehouse and distribution store while the developers continue
to discuss details with the planning authority.” Short introduction to the Pyestock Horror click here Pyestock HGV traffic figures don’t add up and the 860,000 sq ft can accommodate 200 loading bays click here 100 loading bays on each side of an 860,000 sq ft mega shed Farnborough
weekend flight increase rejected and how it helps stop the Pyestock
Horror click here The ‘straight talking’ Pru’s misleading Press Release and Exhibition, including BBC News coverage click here
The Daily Telegraph: the Pru’s plot on the landscape (see "in the news" page) The Sunday Times covers Britain’s Biggest Building - a shed (see "in the news" page) The ‘straight talking’ Pru’s agent denies considering Britain’s Biggest Building – but we have the details click here Senior MP backs campaign and local MPs and County Councillor object (see "in the news" page)
Check out the various links at the top of
the page for more information
stop the Pyestock Horror: Are
you are concerned about the implications of a 24 hours per day x 7
days per week mega depot ·
to object? Then consider this ·
Objecting is
quick and easy and helps stop the 24 x 7 Mega Depot ·
you to those responsible for the first 1,300 objections ·
next steps after objecting If you would like to help the growing residents group then please |
"The Pyestock Horror is our
name for a current planning application to develop a 24 hours a day, 7
days a week massive 1,500,000 sq ft warehousing and distribution centre
between Farnborough and Fleet. We are a group of concerned residents
determined to stop this mega blot on the landscape and the impact to our
area. Known as a mega depot (or mega shed), they are normally located
well away from residential areas on locations without existing
infrastructure and traffic congestion issues. |
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